Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last night I was on campus until almost 10:30, filming a video for my Management 313 class.   My group and I were filming in Parks Hall and I am pretty sure that we were the only ones in the entire building, and if there was anyone else it was the cleaning crew.  I was disappointed though because all the lights in the hallways were on and the lights were also on in the workroom for the faculty and staff on the third floor.  
Everyone keeps discussing the budget cuts that need to be made, so why should we be wasting electricity with having all the lights on, on a Friday night.  I know that the new building has censors in the hallways so that when there is no movement for a certain period of time, they turn off.  Maybe the university should invest in the same things for all the buildings.  The upfront cost would be expense, but it could pay off in the long run and reduce the electricity bill.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This week has been incredibly busy, and the end of the quarter is coming up quickly. I have been keeping up with my goals for the quarter. But, the hardest by far for me to do is take the bus twice a week to work. I take the bus everyday to school and then usually walk home, but the extra half-an-hour of sleep is hard to give up.
This week in class we had an assignment to create a new marketing campaign that targeted students. Mine was about buying local foods. I love that we have so many farm options out in the county and the summers are so much fun when you go with your friends and pick raspberries and strawberries, then make some great jam! More people just need to be aware of the great things that Whatcom County has to offer. My tagline was "Be Passionate about Bellingham!"
So enjoy the snow, and "Be Passionate about Bellingham!"

Friday, February 20, 2009

My parents finally moved in..

I went home this past weekend.  I felt really bad about all the gas I was using to get to Spokane.  I tried to find someone who wanted to carpool with me, but no one worked out.  At least my car gets 30 mpg highway mileage, so it wasn't as bad as it could be.  
My parents just recently finished their new house, that they had planned on starting in the summer of 2007, but instead waited till May 2008.  Here is the back side of their house, it looks over the lake:
While I was home though, I did good with my goals for the quarter.  My mom is very health conscious and she makes a lot of foods from scratch.  She has also got more into buying local and organic foods.   I also did not drive my car the entire time I was home, until I got in it Monday morning to drive back to Bellingham.  I am proud of my parents too, because not only do they carpool to work most days of the week, they also got a low-water, energy efficient washer and a low-water toilet, kind of like the ones in the AIC.  

I got my bills for the month of February.  My energy bill was about the same as it usually is, $15.  My Comcast bill though, was much higher then it has been, so I am putting it on my list of things to do to cancel my Internet, because it is way too high for one person to be paying for by herself.

Happy weekend everyone!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This past week has been extremely busy for me, luckily I didn't have any tests.  
I have noticed when I am busier, I do not go out and spend money, instead I just stay in my apartment.  
So this week, I did really well with my goals, I took the bus to school and work, twice, and I ate local and organic food that I bought early in the week from the Co-op.  
I celebrated my birthday this past weekend, so for the weekend, my spending and consuming was not as good as it could have been.  I went out to eat 3 times and also went out to a couple of bars on Saturday night.  
I also have not had to buy gas or any more groceries.  The next bills I will have to pay are my Comcast and my PSE.  Comcast is actually due today, oops better pay that after this.  
My mileage and gas will be greater then average this weekend, because I am planning on going home to Spokane, I havent been home since Christmas, and I miss my parents.  Oh, and they have a new house that they built and they were finally able to move in two weeks ago.  Exciting!!

Anyway, all for now, enjoy the it tries to snow!