Consumption is a hard thing. Living your life one way for 21 years is hard, but is definitely a worthwhile cause to try and change.
During my first week of back to winter quarter my consumption habits were very bad. My friend had just come back from Ireland and we went out four nights that week. Since then though, I have been much better. We go out for beers every Tuesday, and other then that we cook and eat at home.
Yesterday I watched history, as the 44th president, Barack Obama was inaugurated and gave his speech. He talked about sustainability and how we need to use renewable resources and energy. Listening to him was moving and motivating at the same time, I hope that with this administration we can see a difference, and we will use and help make like more sustainable.
Last night to celebrate the Inauguration Day we walked to the Beav with some friends, then later walked to the Horseshoe before we walked home.
Today, I took the bus to school and played racquet ball, before getting back on the bus to go to work. The bus ride was about 30 minutes, but it gave me some good time to study. Later I had to take the bus back to campus for a class and after class a friend and I walked home. On the walk home, we stopped by the Co-op so we could buy some milk and I wanted yogurt. I have been making smoothies every morning for breakfast, with some strawberries that I froze last summer, which I picked in Lynden last summer.
I have decided though that I need to work on turning off and unplugging my appliances when I am done with them. I leave my computer on all-day and night and even though my energy bill is on average about $15, I could maybe get it lower if I worked on and accomplished this goal.
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